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Cogent Lab

Cogent Lab is a free and open source data science and visualization framework for the Go language, built on top of the Cogent Core GUI framework, so that the same code runs on macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, Android, and web.

You can interactively edit all of the examples and tutorials on this website and see the results immediately. See the compression tutorial for a good starting place.

Cogent Lab is still under development, but the basic API should be somewhat stable.

Features include:

    • The goal language transpiler (generates standard Go code) that supports more concise math and matrix expressions that are largely compatible with the widely used numpy framework, in addition to shell command syntax, so it can be used as a replacement for a command-line shell.

    • A tensor representation for n-dimensional data, which serves as the universal data type within the Lab framework. The table uses tensors as columns for tabular, heterogenous data (similar to the widely-used pandas data table), and the tensorfs is a hierarchical filesystem for tensor data that serves as the shared data workspace.

    • Interactive, full-featured plots and other GUI visualization tools.

    • The overarching lab API for flexibly connecting data and visualization components, providing the foundation for interactive data analysis applications integrating different Cogent Lab elements.

    • The gosl (Go shader language) that allows you to write Go (and goal) functions that run on either the CPU or the GPU, using the WebGPU framework that supports full GPU compute functionality through the web browser.